Archive for September, 2010
The Secret to Saving $$ on Your Dental Bills
The secret is simple—regular preventive maintenance visits. In general, people who want to keep their teeth all of their life will spend less money if they follow their dentist’s recommended maintenance interval than if they only make appointments when they have symptoms. This may seem counter intuitive, but I can support this from my own […]
Is there Hazardous Waste in your Mouth?
A 2006 survey revealed that 72% of the respondents were not aware that mercury was a main component of dental amalgam fillings. Here are some facts you should know: The content of what we in the dental profession call “silver amalgam” is approximately 50% mercury. All amalgam fillings emit mercury vapor throughout their life. The […]
Conquering Dental Anxiety
Last time I discussed the prevalence of dental phobia and reassured you that if you have dental anxiety you are not alone. I pointed out that avoiding the dentist just leads to greater problems and more anxiety. So what is a more productive way to deal with your fear of the dentist? 1. Don’t wait […]