Welcome and thanks for checking out this new column about dental health. I am looking forward to providing useful answers to common questions that I have heard from my patients. I will be writing every other week and plan to cover a wide variety of topics that will be helpful. I will discuss:
Dental care: pregnancy through the senior years
Fluoride: children only?
Mercury in dental fillings: are they safe?
Dental implants: are they right for you?
Teeth whitening: how do I get the best results?
New technologies in dentistry
Painless & anxiety-free dentistry: it IS possible!
Lifesaver: a dental solution to a little understood, but major health risk
I hope this creates a little curiosity about what is to come. We begin the next week answering the question, “What are dental implants, and what can they do for me?”
I’d love to create a dialogue, so please send your comments or questions to me at or post to our blog ( All of the columns will be archived through our web page for a reference or to share with others.
Yours for better dental health,
Dr. S