Our Policy: No Silver Fillings
The enamel on your teeth is the strongest part of your body. It protects your pearly whites while chewing. But unlike other parts, your enamel cannot repair itself once it is chipped or broken. Once your enamel is damaged, the inner part of your tooth becomes exposed and susceptible to infections. Your entire tooth also becomes weaker, leading to breakage or cavities.
Cavities are tiny holes that develop in your teeth due to decay. The enamel erodes and a cavity is formed, which can lead to infections, abscess, or severe pain or even completely destroy the tooth. Once a dentist identifies your cavities, you have to make sure they are treated to prevent any further damage.
Treating Cavities
The best way to treat cavities is through filings. They restore a decayed tooth to its normal shape and function. The dentist will first remove decayed material from the tooth. The affected area is cleaned and the cavity is then filled using a specific material.
By filling cavities, you prevent risks of infection and further decay. There are different materials used for dental fillings. These include porcelain, gold, and a composite resin. Different types of filling suit different people. Your dentist can determine which type is best for you depending on your condition.
- Porcelain Fillings: These fillings are secured or pasted to the tooth. The porcelain used in a filling can be easily treated to match the color of the patient’s teeth. These types of fillings are also resistant to staining.
- Gold Fillings: Since these are made using one of the most expensive metals, gold fillings are typically made to order. Most dentists find gold fillings to be the best type, as they are durable.
- Composite Resins: This type is relatively recent. The fillings can be designed to match the color of your teeth, which results in a more natural appearance. The ingredients of a composite resin filler are mixed and directly placed into the dental cavity. Once it hardens, the filler looks almost identical to the other teeth.
Why You Should Never Choose Silver Fillings
We do not offer amalgam or silver fillings. Given its dark color, they are not ideal for front teeth and other visible areas. Other materials used in amalgams are copper, tin, mercury, and even zinc.
Silver has been one of the most used materials for dental fillings for many decades now. However, recent studies in the US have shown that the number of chronic diseases is at an all-time high. The biggest culprit behind this spike is a weakened immune system, and researchers have linked this condition to silver dental fillings.
Most amalgam fillings contain mercury, a deadly neurotoxin. Continued exposure to this heavy metal causes conditions such as mood disorders; autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and fibromyalgia; neurological problems such as memory loss, epilepsy, migraines, and vertigo; cancer; and cardiovascular conditions. Other issues include hormonal imbalances, infertility, and oral health complications.
Given these reports, it is clear that silver fillings are highly dangerous and should not be used. Patients are suggested to consult their dentists and determine which type of filling is best suited for them.
Which Filling Option Is Right for You?
Speak with Dr. Dan Miller, a skilled cosmetic dentist with numerous satisfied patients, to decide on the right filling option for your cavities. To schedule your consultation, contact us today.