Relay for Life
Valley Dental Works is thrilled to be sponsoring and participating in Oregon City’s 2010 Relay for Life June 26-27 at Clackamas Community College. This fabulous event raises awareness for ALL types of cancers while raising money to support those fighting the disease now and celebrating with those who are survivors.
The event is held for 24 hours to symbolize that cancer does not rest. Over 50 teams have committed to have a representative on the track (walking, running, riding in a wagon) during that period of time. The time is filled with many events (kids’ carnival and parade, watermelon eating contest, live bands, silent auction just to name a few.)
The event is kicked off with survivors, donned in purple t-shirts, walking the first lap. Then all are invited to walk. The highlight of the evening is luminaries lighting. Bags with messages and images of loved ones, are lit with candles and provide the track’s light at night and into the dawn.
Our office has set a goal to raise $2000 as a team. We hope to do that through fundraising and donations. We’d love to have your support.
Please consider joining our team or participating as a survivor. Follow this link:, come to the office or call for help over the phone.